Welcome to Supporting You!

We believe people desire to be supported by others who have experienced similar situations where they can express their grief, concerns and questions, without feeling judged. We also believe that peer support is one of the strongest measures of individual/family support. That’s why we are here!

Before we begin, here is what you need to know:

Our goal with Supporting You is for you to gain support from a caring and compassionate peer, who you share a connection with and is willing to tell their own personal story, while they walk alongside you as you tell yours.

  • This is peer-to-peer support. We’ll start by asking some questions about you and your family. This will help us match you with someone that has similar experiences. Remember, this is a peer – not a professional – network. If you are looking for professional support, please contact 1-800-CHILDREN to find a program to meet your needs.
  • You are not alone. Knowing that you are not alone in this journey is important to your health (physical and mental). It’s also an important first step to helping you navigate services or systems of care.
  • Anyone can be connected. Whether you are seeking information and resources, needing someone to listen to you, or would like to just talk to another person who has “been there, done that” – Supporting You can help you get connected!

Whether you are someone looking for support or want to support someone else – we are glad you are here and can’t wait to get you connected! Now, let’s get started…

Supported in part by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment